Friday, March 14, 2014

The Big Reveal: Another milestone scarred by infertility

I have been thinking a lot about Brianna's comment to my past post about holding out on telling people. That fact that the lab mistakenly tested a week before we were expecting, and before we told everyone else we were expecting, really did give us a small opportunity to feel like a fertile person who is able to keep pregnancy a secret. For a week.

On Tuesday, I was 14 days post transfer. This was the day I was originally scheduled to test, and the day that everyone else expected it. C and I agree that if it was still good news that we would tell people then. It is, and we did. My results came back at 1055, which was a 34 hour doubling time. Very solid. Possibly in the twin range, but trying to figure this out with Dr. Google is just maddening.

C told his parents and one sister the day before because he was seeing them for lunch. I agreed because he doesn't see them all too often and it would be nice to tell them in person. I told my parents Tuesday night. I called my sisters and my best friend after work the next day.

Essentially, everyone was expecting it. They were all excited, but it felt a little anti-climactic to me. There was no real surprise. Yes, there was questions of "yes" or "no", but everyone was expecting some sort of answer. They all knew when we had the procedure. They all knew when I was hospitalized. They all can do math and it doesn't take a genius to know that a few weeks is enough to know.

I may have liked to make a big reveal. To do something creative. To really surprise people. C mentioned that we could still surprise people on if it's one versus two or still surprise them with a gender reveal. Those are good ideas.

In the meanwhile, the close and important people know. This is real thing. And I am still reminded of the differences in becoming pregnant naturally versus having infertility.


  1. I say do a big gender reveal! That can be your big moment. I know that when you are hoping for so long it's more of a sign of relief than the air of excitement so make something yours, whatever it is!

    1. That is so true - relief versus excitement - what a distinction!

  2. It does seem like the joy and excitement of finally becoming pregnant is just one more loss for infertiles. Not only do you feel scared and unsure that it will work out, but others who maybe thought IVF was a sure shot aren't even surprised. They can't appreciate how amazing it is that this worked for you on the first try, especially given your medication response issues. At least you know the bloggosphere really gets it and is SO HAPPY for you!

    1. It definitely annoys me when people assume that it's a sure shot. I teeny rebellious part of me almost wanted to prove them wrong just to shove in their face. I am so lucky that you guys GET IT.

  3. I'm sorry you didn't get to reveal your pregnancy, as opposed to confirming/denying. Hopefully you'll be able to find something BIG to reveal. With our first rainbow we didn't share his name until after he was born, so that's an idea, too.

    1. I like how you put that about revealing versus confirming. So true!
