Thursday, November 21, 2013

Two Truths and Lie

In honor of the start of ICLW, I thought I'd participate in something a bit more interactive. Jenny at Dogs Aren't Kids posted this initial prompt and I was just talking about this game to my parents today! I was telling them about one of the truths that you might never think of as a truth and how I need to remember this for the next time I use this as an ice-breaker with one of my patients. So here's the gist:

Tell us 3 things about you and make 1 of them a lie. Try to think about what other bloggers already know about you, what might shock them and what they don’t know and would simply not being able to guess which one is a lie.

1. I spent three years of my childhood living in St. Petersburg, Russia.

2. I used to a work as a janitor at my old high school. 

3. I have a half sister that is 15 years younger than me, despite the fact that my parents have been happily married for nearly 40 years.

RULES: Comment below with which one you think is a lie. Make a new post on your blog and do the same. After you get a bunch of guesses (or whenever you feel like), make a new post with the right/wrong answers and explain them if you want. If you’re lazy, you can comment and not play along. Party pooper.


  1. Hi from ICLW. #2 is the lie I think.

  2. Hello from another ICLW-er! I think the lie is number 1. I wanted to go with number three, but it's just crazy enough to maybe be true..... I've never been good at coming up with these, so I might be a party pooper and not do one for myself....

  3. Ok, I have to comment again, because last night I had a dream that you tricked us and basically gave us the answer, and I had guessed the wrong one.... I don't remember how you had given us the answer, but I thought it was funny!!

  4. I agree with Rebecca and can't wait to read about your Russia experiences :-)

  5. I'm going to guess #3 is your lie....cause it just doesn't make sense. But then again that probably means it's true. Crap.

  6. My instinct says #2 because it seems to weird, but I am going to go with #1 because it seems less obvious so it's probably true :)
